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Jacob Event Painting_family_summer 2022.jpg


Hey there!

I am a son of God, husband and best friend to my beautiful wife, and now a dad.

I am a trained professional artist that firstly sees myself as a follower of Jesus Christ - I love Jesus as He is my Lord and Savior, and it is my intention to love others and to honor God, who is my Father.

I have been an artist my entire life. In fact, as soon as I could hold a pencil... yes, that is certainly cliché! When I was in elementary school, I remember having the “high” of my classmates looking over my shoulder while I drew, and thriving off their reactions. The high school I attended was a very humble place (rural Maine). I was a sophomore when we had a field trip to The Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and I fell in love. That day, a seed was planted in my heart to have my own paintings hung up on another person’s wall, as I spent hours gazing at the beautiful art there. 


When I attended college, earning my B.F.A in Illustration at Ringling College of Art and Design, that's when I started to "plein air" paint, reawakening my love for traditional fine art painting, while I painted on the streets of Sarasota and eventually all around the country.

I grew up very poor, so the idea of being an artist was very unrealistic, but I kept that dream in my heart for years and did not forget it, I relied on God to give me hope for a future where I could use the gift He gave me to live out my dream and bless others with it.

I am now living out that dream, loving every second of it.

Born and raised a New Englander (Massachusetts and Maine), and moved all around the United States. I currently reside in Sarasota, FL with my wife and best friend, which we are happily married. I love to spend time with friends and enjoy each day to the fullest!

- Jacob James Neagle

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Ringling College of Art and Design

B.F.A. majored in Illustration 


Exhibitions and clientele

Sonoma Plein Air

Oil Painters of America

Salon International

public and private collectors

solo and joint exhibitions / various

live and private auctions nationwide

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